Fill Your Garden With the Heavenly Scent From the Night Blooming Jasmine Plant
The night blooming jasmine plant is commonly referred to as the night jasmine and night-blooming cestrum. It botanical name is Cestrum Nocturnum, and is a member of the Solanaceae family.
Plant description:
The night jasmine plant is not the most attractive plant you can have in your collection. It is a scraggly shrub with glossy green leaves, four to eight inch in length. The sprawling stems stretch out six feet or more, and can achieve a height of ten to twelve feet.
The night blooming jasmine is a frequent bloomer in warm climate areas. The flowers are small, greenish white and resemble a small trumpet.
The flowers are not all that pretty to look at, but the fragrant perfume they release is heavenly. Many people feel this is the most fragrant plant available on the market. I am in agreement with that opinion.
Plant culture:
The night blooming jasmine plant will do best if grown in a light, sandy soil. This night jasmine is a hardy plant and can adapt to a variety of conditions. Once the plant has become established it can thrive with little care on your part.
It does not like frost; so cover the plant up when a freeze approaches. The night jasmine grows good in partial to full sun, and even full shade. Extended periods of sun will wilt the plant leaves, but once the sun has passed it'll return to its normal state with no harm done.
The plant only needs normal watering once the soil has dried out. It grows best in USDA zones 8-11. In hard freeze the night blooming jasmine plant will die the ground, but often it will comeback in spring. The night jasmine is relatively easy to start from soft cutting during warm temperatures.
This jasmine is best used in a landscape as a stand-alone plant because of its sprawling nature. The plant is a popular with bees and butterflies and can make a nice addition when placed close to other butterfly attracting plants.
Best Characteristics. The real beauty of the night blooming jasmine plant is when its blooms open to night to release its sweet perfume. The smell is so powerful it can be noticed from several homes away during a calm night.
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